
The Important Role of UI and UX in Digital Ordering

A well-designed User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) are essential in developing a user-friendly digital ordering experience. Together, UI and UX directly impact the customer journey and do far more than just make a digital ordering solution look good. 

UI versus UX
UI and UX are two different yet complementary aspects of digital design. When viewing a digital ordering website, mobile app, or self-serve kiosk, each visual element that users interact with and see is the UI. This includes screens, buttons, fonts, icons, and more.

UX encapsulates the entire online interaction and how satisfied users feel about their overall digital ordering experience. A best practice to generate a positive experience and increase user satisfaction is a frictionless ordering process with easy-to-follow steps and simple navigation.

Guiding Principles
In today’s competitive market, exceptional design can be a significant differentiator. To tip the scales in your favor, invest in a digital ordering system featuring quality UI and UX design elements that deliver the following: 

  • Visual Appeal: The first thing a user will see is the UI. A visually appealing UI design creates a positive first impression, increasing the likelihood that users will engage further with your brand and digital ordering site.

  • Intuitive Design: A well-designed UX ensures that the ordering process is intuitive and easy to navigate. This includes the number of steps your customers must take to complete an online order. A customer-centric design can generate a positive user experience and encourage repeat usage, which is essential for businesses striving to build customer loyalty.

  • Consistency: A clear and consistent design across all digital ordering channels helps minimize user frustration. When your website, mobile app, and kiosk all look and work the same, the potential for errors during the ordering process is reduced, and cart abandonment is minimized.

  • Branding: The UI and UX of a digital ordering solution must accurately convey your brand’s identity, with consistent use of colors, fonts, and design elements. It will build trust and make users feel more comfortable and confident entering personal information and payment details.

  • Accessibility: UX design is critical to ensure that your digital ordering platform can be utilized by all users, including those with disabilities. It can also reflect your brand’s mission of inclusivity.

  • Continuous Improvement: Welcome user feedback and allow users to report issues and/or suggest improvements. Continuous input is paramount to optimizing a consistent look, feel, and experience across all digital ordering channels.

Digital ordering platforms that offer the elements outlined above, in addition to a seamless, fully integrated experience, are more likely to have a positive, long-term impact on customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Foodservice and hospitality operators who emphasize integrated technology with quality UI/UX design will establish the foundation needed to deliver a positive self-service ordering experience, and do it repeatedly.

If providing an easy and consistent guest ordering experience is a high-ranking priority for your digital food service operations, contact Tacit.

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