
Order from anywhere
Curbside pickup
On-campus delivery
Room Service
Display all the deliciousness
Engage your customers with descriptive menus and images
Increase check sizes with item customization and add-ons
Keep customers informed with calorie and nutrition details
Create a personalized experience with our allergen filter
Offer your customers more ways to pay
Scan to pay at the counter with pre-loaded funds
Scan CPG and pay on the app for a self-checkout experience
Keep guests coming back
Integrate with your existing loyalty program
Offer scan to earn so customers never miss points on in-store purchases
Enable users to send gift cards to friends using their app
Connect with your customers
User greetings
Say hello. Greet new and loyal customers with your brand’s personalized voice
Push notifications
Notify customers when their order is ready or send marketing notifications to a target audience
SMS messages
Send order status updates via SMS to users directly from our order monitor
Depth messages
Promote new menu items and limited time offers closer to the point of purchase
Highlight featured items and seasonal specials on the homepage
Enable customers to contact you directly with any questions or concerns
Already have an app?
Not to worry. Add digital ordering to your existing mobile application with our SDK solution.
Learn more about mobile apps